This book, of which I produced the table on the cover, is both a testimony of my union with the Triune God and in him with Christ, but also how he acts during my consultations, making me “his instrument”.
Through this book, I have accomplished part of my mission of transmitting the word of God to people with an aspect of pure testimony but also an educational aspect that is both spiritual and medical.
Each chapter contains, in conjunction with its title, detailed explanations of the triangular relationship formed by God, the doctor, and the patient, and everything it can provide in medical management from diagnosis to complete care.
Each is written with prayers, many living examples are from my experience and personal reflections.
I will shed light on the links with the Holy texts in my medical practice to bring each and every one to be in the love of God every day, whatever the events in their lives.
This is achieved with the following 5 chapters:
You shall love your neighbour as yourself
Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.
I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Forgive …up to seventy-seven times seven times.
Do not fear
Feeling united with God, I built this book also as a prayer of praise.
Reader Reactions to Be’ahvah
Quelques avis de lecteurs (tous les prénoms ont été changés). Some readers’ opinions (all first names have been changed).
J’ai franchement adoré, cela coule de source. Il me fait du bien.
I honestly loved it, it goes without saying. It makes me feel good.
Puissant, enthousiasmant, réconfortant, indulgent. Je suis profondément touchée, ton livre est beau et lumineux. Il est positivement perturbant pour tout lecteur honnête avec sa vie et sans doute Dieu !
Powerful, inspiring, heartwarming, forgiving. I am deeply touched, your book is beautiful and bright. It is positively disturbing for any reader honest with his life and undoubtedly God!
Une prière personnelle rendue universelle qui nous invite à partager notre ressenti avec Dieu. Un vif intérêt !
A personal prayer made universal which invites us to share our feelings with God. Keen interest!
Ce livre me plaît beaucoup. Il est juste. Je l’ai partagé avec mes amis.
I like this book very much. He is fair. I shared it with my friends.
Merci. Ce livre est superbe ! J’ai apprécié la construction biblique qui s’appuie sur nos racines juives ! Les références citées ou pas mais sous-jacentes qui incitentnt à la recherche sont vérité ! Je suis subjugué par la véracité de la Parole, la pudeur, l’amour de Dieu et du prochain !
Thank you. This book is superb! I appreciated the biblical construction that leans on our Jewish roots! The references cited or not but underlying which prompts research, and truth! I am captivated by the veracity of the Word, modesty, love of God, and neighbor!
Je viens d’apprendre que j’ai une maladie grave, ce livre me convient en ce moment.
I just learned of a serious illness; this book suits me now.
J’ai été touchée, particulièrement avec certains exemples. L’un d’entre eux m’a émue jusqu’aux larmes. C’est aidant.
I was touched, especially with some examples. One of them moved me to tears. It’s helping.
Même si vous n’avez pas des croyances fortes, c’est un témoignage personnel riche et agréable à lire. Un équilibre intéressant entre la médecine et la religion.
Even if you don’t have strong beliefs, this is a rich and pleasant personal testimony that is enjoyable to read. An interesting balance between medicine and religion.
Un livre incroyable qui devrait être lu par beaucoup.
An amazing book that should be read by a lot.